Saturday, March 28, 2009

Doing "Surgery" on Our Lapghan for Charity

Now, I'm finishing up our Oddball Lapghan #1. It has some issues. A couple of the sections were knit in a cabled pattern, and it's causing the blanket to pull in and pucker there. So, I've made an executive decision to remove those parts. It was not easy, but I did it!

The cool thing is that I learned HOW to do it. I've never removed part of knitting before, so I had no idea how to do it. But, I decided to just dive in. I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut through the middle of the part I was removing. Then, I sat in my rocking chair and pulled out all the yarn from the bottom section until I got to the part I wanted to keep. Then, I put that part back on knitting needles. Next, I did the same to the top section, then did a 3 needle bind off to connect it back with the bottom section. It turned out just fine! :)

Here's the connected section, after my 3 needle bind off:
Front of Connected Sections

Here's the back of that section, showing the 3 needle bind off. I used light blue yarn to connect them. You can't even see the blue yarn on the front of the blanket.
Front and Back of Connected Sections

So, now I'm working on the second section that needs to be removed. I've decided to mail the bottom half of our lapghan to the person who originally knit the cabled section. She is excited about getting a second chance to work on the lapghan! :D

Here's our lapghan, now in two parts. I've placed the bottom of the top half on a long stitch holder. Now, when I get the bottom half of our lapghan back from the other knitter, I'll do a 3 needle bind off to reconnect them. ;) It's nice to know how to do that now. :)
Lapghan Getting Surgery

While the bottom half is with the other knitter, I'll keep knitting on the top half. Right now, I'm adding a green section with Caron Simply Soft in a simple basketweave design.
Adding Green Basketweave Section

Oddball Charity Lapghan Map

Oddball Charity Lapghan Map